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Answers to Your Questions

Considering a partnership with Inspire Careers for your career coaching needs? Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, we’re just a consultation away.

How does Inspire Careers specifically support professional women in advancing their careers?

At Inspire Careers, we’re committed to supporting professional women with personalized career coaching and customized career management strategies. With over 15 years of executive coaching, industry-recognized leadership, and her own transformative career journey, Cathy Lanzalaco has designed programs to address the needs and aspirations of ambitious women and help them achieve more in less time than going it alone.

What is the Inspired Power Day, and who is it for?

The Inspired Power Day is a 4-hour intensive one-on-one session for mid-level to executive women looking to make a significant career leap. It’s perfect for those who are ready to move up (like a VP targeting SVP, EVP to the C-Suite, or senior manager aiming for a director position) but may not know how to articulate their value, negotiate their salary, or develop a strategic job search and interview plan. This package includes immediate assistance and action planning, salary negotiation strategies, job search and interview coaching, and bonuses like a professional reference guide and the Inspire Careers resource library access.

Can the Career Transition Coaching Program help me if I'm stuck in my job search or current role?

Absolutely. Our 6-week Career Transition Coaching Program is tailored for individuals who feel stuck and are unsure how to navigate their job search or transition to a new role. This program includes assessment calibration, professional branding alignment, job search strategy coaching, resume critique, LinkedIn optimization audit, and more, all aimed at mid-level professionals and up. You’ll also receive lifetime access to the Inspired Careers vault and a 50% discount on our digital library, helping you identify and land your next role and excel in it.

What makes the North Star Program unique, and who should consider it?

The North Star Program is our most comprehensive offering, a 90-day journey designed for high-achieving individuals seeking executive-level advancement and clarity in their career path. It includes personalized executive coaching, branding alignment, career clarity exercises, professional resume feedback, LinkedIn optimization, and much more. Participants also gain lifetime access to the Inspired Careers vault, an all-access pass to our digital library, the book “The Big Leap,” and exclusive networking opportunities. This program is ideal for those ready to explore their “zone of genius” and make impactful career moves, with the support of an executive confidant and access to a community of thought leaders and influencers.

How do I know which package is right for me?

Choosing the right package depends on where you are in your career and the level of support you seek. If you’re seeking immediate, intensive assistance to leap to the next level, the Inspired Power Day might be for you. Consider the Career Transition Coaching Program if you’re stuck and need structured support over a few weeks. For those looking for an all-encompassing, transformative career journey with extensive support and resources, the North Star Program would be the best fit. We recommend contacting us for a consultation to discuss your career goals and determine the best path forward.

Why should I consider working with an executive coach?

Working with an executive coach can provide you with personalized insights, strategies, and accountability to navigate career transitions, leadership challenges, and personal growth opportunities. It’s an investment in your professional development that can lead to significant advancements in your career.

What outcomes can I expect from these programs?

While specific outcomes depend on your goals and engagement, you can expect to gain clarity on your career direction, develop a robust action plan, improve your job search and interview skills, and enhance your professional branding. Our programs are designed to help you land your next role and position you for ongoing success and fulfillment in your career.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to commit to services fully at this time. Are there other ways to work with you without a one-to-one engagement?

If you’re not ready to commit to a one-on-one engagement but are still looking to enhance your career development, our online courses are a fantastic option. Available through Teachable and accessible via our website at Inspire Careers Online Courses, these digital courses cover a variety of topics essential to advancing your career. They offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. Each course is designed to provide valuable insights and practical tools to help you navigate your career path effectively. Whether you’re looking to polish your resume, hone your interview skills, or develop new job search strategies, our online courses provide a comprehensive, accessible, and lower-commitment way to work with us and achieve your career goals.

What clients/industries do you serve?

My clients are primarily senior executives and career-minded professionals from all across the country working in diverse industries, helping them advance in jobs and/or land new jobs in Fortune 500 companies. I specialize in supporting ambitious women through career transition, helping them ask for what they want, own their worth, and have the confidence to go after it. My background in healthcare and human resources attracts a large base of clients in those industries at all levels.

I also have created The Inspire Careers Student Professional Launch Program to serve the growing number of new graduates and college juniors/seniors that come to me for assistance in landing internships and launching their careers. This is the only program of its kind in the country and has been set up to instruct and coach the participants in every aspect of conducting a successful career campaign, from personality assessments to resume writing to interview strategies to networking, to introducing them to people in their targeted industries, to penetrating the hidden job market through contact with executive recruiters. The elements of the program are outlined on here along with client success stories, video interviews, and testimonials.

What is your placement rate? How many people who come to you for help find jobs? Do you offer a guarantee?

To clarify, I don’t “place” people; I am not a recruiter. I cannot provide the answer about how many or how quickly they find jobs because it is different for everyone. Everyone’s job search and motivation for finding a job are different, so the results vary.

Many of my clients are passive job seekers or ones who come to me periodically for resume updates. They may not even apply for a new job but just want to be ready “just in case.” That is the metric for their success.

Also, for the active job seekers, I cannot control the jobs they apply for (are they qualified for them?), how actively they network, whether or not they edit their resumes for each application, what they say in interviews, whether or not they follow up with companies, or what market conditions are in their industry. I guarantee complete satisfaction with the work we do together and the products we create.

I invite you to explore the 100+ testimonials on my website to get a feel for my coaching style and the success my clients enjoy working with me.

Let's talk.

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