Recently I received this email from a career coaching client of mine:
I’m so excited! I also had a prelim interview today and another tomorrow! The abundance is there! I only expect more to follow! (Coach’s note: And they are already lined up, BTW!)
Job searching with an abundance mentality is a completely experience than job searching when you are
feeling needy, tired, stressed, desperate, or ashamed.

Way to increase your feelings of abundance during your job search:
✴Keep a gratitude journal and every day, list at least 5 things you have to be grateful for
✴Make a list of what makes you an asset to the companies you are targeting and the type of work
that you do.
✴Repeat positive affirmations that reinforce your value and boost your self-esteem.
✴ Set 5 short-term goals that strengthen your skill sets and physically check them off the list when
you complete them.
✴ Spend time identifying what you believe is holding you back from experiencing maximum
abundance in your job search and life. Ask yourself: it is my beliefs about money, or do I not feel worthy
of landing a great new job? Do I believe finding work or working itself must be unpleasant or hard? Am I
anticipating rejection and drought in my search, just so I won’t be disappointed when it happens? These
are some common subconscious themes holding job seekers back from experiencing a successful and
rewarding search. Reframe your negative thoughts and thoughts of lack to positive and deserving ones.
Keep at it. Negative or harmful beliefs we have been holding on to for many years take time to reframe.
✴ Place self-care at the top of your priority list. Getting enough sleep and eating well go a long way in
optimizing your mood and outlook. It also improves the quality of how you respond to situations when
you are feeling refreshed and focused.
✴Engage with a professional resume writer to help you mine your professional value and create
career marketing documents that empower you and reinforce all the amazing results you have achieved.
Sometimes we are too close/too critical of ourselves to see the greatness others can see in us. New grads! This means you too! You have more to capture and highlight than you realize!
✴Remember that your value does not depend on the opinion of others, and that not being offered a
job you interviewed for is not a rejection, but an opportunity to find the job truly meant for you.
Want more great tips? https://www.inspirecareers.com/in-the-media/ for recent career-related information I’ve shared on numerous podcasts, television outlets, and radio shows.
Visit the Inspire Careers YouTube channel to enjoy short bursts of content I share through video https://www.inspirecareers.com/inspire-careers-youtube-channel/ and don’t forget to subscribe to be notified when new content is added.