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By: Gianna Ortolani, New Graduate Guest Blogger

It’s that time of the year where everyone is going back to college, people are moving into their dorms and everyone’s seeing their friends for the first time since school let out.

There are a group of us though, that has graduated from that incredible college lifestyle and isn’t going back. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so proud of myself and my fellow 2019 graduates for getting our degrees and starting the next chapter in our lives. But, I think I can speak for us all when I say that there is a small case of FOMO happening right now.

The fear of missing out. What a concept! A lot of college students tend to have the mindset of “I want to get my degree and get out! “without realizing what an incredible opportunity they have to meet friends and cherish every second of the 4 years of learning, living, and forming life long friendships.

For me, I look at all my friends and teammates that are back on campus with the thought of how grateful I am to have had such a supportive and loving community around me for four years.

Now, that community doesn’t go away, it just becomes less of a physical environment in my life. I’m not going to lie, it’s a struggle not to go back and still have uncertainty as to where I’ll go next.

The exciting thing is that I will always have the people I shared those four years with and there are no limits when looking forward into the future.

To all those who are going into their senior years of college, cherish every little moment both good and bad, because time flies when you’re having fun! Say yes to all the life changing opportunities, and create memories that you will have for the rest of your life!

This blog post was provided by guest blogger, Gianna Ortolani , who is a member of the Inspire Careers Student Professional Launch Program™ . She can be found at

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